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Blog: Blog2
Written by The paraDocs,
Dr. Francis L. Battisti and Dr. Helen E. Battisti.
A Weekly Blog with Mental Health & Nutrition Tips and Tools for a Resilient Lifestyle
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
Aug 16, 20222 min read
The Zone - Volume 114
Are you happy? According to the World Happiness Report, the United States moved up in its happiness ranking during the pandemic from #19...
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
Aug 9, 20223 min read
The Zone - Volume 113
How can we add zest to our life? We are back from our vacation, ready to move forward with our projects and filled with new insights and...
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
Jul 5, 20223 min read
The Zone - Volume 112
Maybe there is something to, “Postcode Envy.” In her song, Royals, Lorde’s declares there is no “postcode envy” but is she correct? She...
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
Jun 14, 20223 min read
The Zone - Volume 111
How did we get here and where are we are going? We have been thinking, over the past few months, about the direction of The ZONE. ...
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
May 17, 20223 min read
The Zone - Volume 110
Can you get positive results from a conflict? As we move toward more “face to face” conferences and trainings, we are receiving more...
Dr. Francis Battisti & Dr. Helen Battisti
May 11, 20223 min read
The Zone - Volume 109
Do we ever stop learning, changing and growing? This week we were watching a mother duck with her 10 little ducklings on a pond, and it...
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