How can we add zest to our life?
We are back from our vacation, ready to move forward with our projects and filled with new insights and ideas. As you may recall, we took time with our family and friends to pull back, relax and think about what we want to focus on for the near future.
Our journey took us to Italy, with most of our immediate family with us, with the primary focus on spending time together, since we are all scattered around the country and to reconnect with our Italy based cousins etc. Our goal of relaxation and connecting was fulfilled and we look forward to learning more from this experience and keeping the good feelings flowing.
One item that stood out for us was how many of the artisans we met were so committed to their life’s work. We visited the Casa Emma winery in Tuscany and were once again impressed with how committed the family is to their wine. This is an organic winery that only uses the rain from the sky and has ducks that eat the parasites that may attack the vines and fertilize the ground. Although Italy is experiencing a drought they were holding to their commitment of their organic process. The original owners are still living on the premises, even though they are no longer involved in the day-to-day activities. The entire family lives nearby.
On another day we found ourselves in a Truffle Museum/store/café. The two cousins who are the owners were the 4th generation providers of the services and they had such a passion for their life’s work. They also proudly showed us a replica of the largest truffle ever found. This truffle holds the Guinness World Record.
Upon reflection of both experiences, we see a deep sense of values and passions that may ignite the individual’s goals, meaning and purpose of life. The goals are what we do or wish to do, meaning is why we do it and purpose is the impact we want to have.
While we are in the recovery stage of the pandemic, with many individuals leaving or thinking about leaving their jobs, it may be helpful to take time to reflect on how their work can contribute to their purpose and meaning. A possible resource to an organized way of reflecting on purpose and meaning is Life Crafting as a Way to Find Purpose and Meaning in Life, by Michaela Schippers and Niklas Zuegle
Although vacations may offer us special time for reflection, this process is an ongoing process throughout each of our lives.
Key Takeaways
Listening to others’ passion can lead to greater self-awareness.
Your life’s work can reflect your purpose.
Our purpose needs to be nurtured regularly.
Best Practices
Nurturing our purpose is a regular practice throughout the year.
Don’t be reluctant to try something new.
Listen and trust your gut.
Things to Limit
Spending too much time “doing” and not enough time “being.”
Believing that we do not have life choices.
Not paying attention to the Recovery Stage of the pandemic
Quote of the Week
“Discovering your purpose is the most significant thing you will do in your life, and you, your loved ones, and the world will be better off because you went on this journey.”
~Mastin Kipp
In closing, seeking one’s purpose and meaning of life is important in our quest for fulfillment. Exploring our values and passions is the first step of an amazing process of self-discovery that can add zest to our life.
Be well,
The paraDocs
Check our Welcome Greeting on YouTube
The paraDocs are Dr. Francis L. Battisti, PhD, Psychotherapist, Distinguished Psychology Professor and former Executive V.P and Chief Academic Officer and Dr. Helen E. Battisti PhD, RDN, CDN, Chief Nutrition Officer, at SpNOD, Health Promotion Specialist, Research and Clinical Registered Dietitian Nutritionist and former Assistant Professor.
We have developed "The ZONE", because that is exactly where you want to be during this pandemic. A place of focused attention to doing exactly what needs to be done to get you to where you need to be. The purpose of The Zone is to provide a nationally distributed weekly mental-health and nutrition tip-sheet during times of change.
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